Latest Update On Nepal Entry Protocol

March 12, 2022 / by Navaraj

As per the decision of the Government (Council of ministers) dated Nepal 2078/11/16 (28th Feb 2022), it has been published for the prevention of infection of covid-19 new varient as well as for the information of all concerned as the following arrangements have been made regarding the passengers entering Nepal by air route or land route.

  1. Passengers entering Nepal from abroad by air or land must submit a certificate of full vaccination against COVID-19. Passengers who fail to submit such certificate will have to submit the certificate with negative report of Covid-19 test (RTPCR, True NAAT, Gene Xpert) within 72 hours of starting the journey.
  2. For the passengers going to other countries by air route from Nepal, the concerned airlines have to inform their passengers about the health protocol related to COVID-19 of the destination country. The health related documents to be submitted by the passengers departing from Nepal will be as per the health related criteria of the destination country as prescribed by the concerned airlines.
  3. Previously issued departmental notices regarding COVID-19 have been revoked.

Source: Department of Immigration

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